Great News - Ovi Is Inspired By How Jagr "Played Til He Was 70 And Is Still Playing"

Another gem of an interview from Ovi. He answered when the last time he cried was (watching The Notebook) his favorite thing to do with his son (play hockey and laugh when he falls over) and much more. But most importantly, he was asked who in hockey has impressed him the most, and I expected him to say McDavid or something like that, but instead he listed 3 named- Jagr, Jumbo, and Chara, because of their longevity. That gave me a boner (no offense). If Jagr is thinking about playing til he is 70 like Jagr or into his 40's like Joe and Chara, sign me up. The fact those players and the ages they are playing at even enter his mind is enough reason to get excited. 

The fact the season was cut short this year and Ovi is stuck at 48 goals is upsetting but this cheered me up a little. Ovi still ripping slapshots from his office at 43 years old? Being the first player to break the 900 goal mark? Yes please. 

PS: Never forget his hit on Jagr in the 2010 Winter Olymipcs. Greatest hit in Olympic hockey history.

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